jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2015

Funny Situation

At school, I had a partner and his name is "Zanetti". Me and my friends did not have a goodrelationship with him, because it was a very "bitter" person. Well, after school, always remember their bad attiudes and the female form in which it was expressed. With my friends created the "Zanetti's code" when we saw some funny situation that 
has to do with this kindof attitude or attribute. 
Once on the beach of Cavancha, Iquique, we saw a police riding a bicycle with a tight suit and all said aloud "hmmm Zanetti!!" The policeman returned to us, and we got scared thinking he understood the joke. He comes to us and say "you call me? Im cabo Zanetti." We could not keep quiet and we laught a lot.  We say it was a misunderstanding, I call laudy to my friend, called Zanetti.He's be impressed  and say  "tells us where you are? becausethere are very few Zanetti in 
Chile? You're from Argentina or Brazil? Well my friend defended, 
lying shadow that had family abroad. After leaving the policeman he was excited to have met a person called Zanetti. When pulled away a bit we laught a lot again and again. It was good that we did not have toordered the C.I. LOL.

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

How green

Well, this is a good question, because I have never asked that. My awareness of the environment and the nature was change recently in these last 3 years, since when I started the university, and for this, my activity for the care and attention of this topics is recent. In my home, we have a lot of plants and vegetables into a little garden that my mother made and native species that I purchased, like Araucaria, in his respective flowerpot stand.

Whit my mother in the little garden

In respect whit the care of the energy and water my father teach me all my life the importance this, because this elements are not infinite and for the economy of our house. About the plastics, we recently try to change the pots, the bags (for other degradable materials and whit more durability). Whit the elements for clean and wash, we try to bought the products without chemicals or substance that damage the soil or the water. In my home we are not have cars, we use the public transport or the bike. 

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

My future Job

Well, in this moment, in these days I am studying Geography and I’m not in totally agreement that what I do in my future Job. Despite of this, I like some of topics of the earth science, likes geology, ecology and techniques for make cartography or GIS (Geographic information system). The best job for me, maybe, it’s something related whit the nature and study “how the human modify or change this spaces and how this concern themselves”.

For me it’s very important this because in this moment in Chile and in the Earth happen a lot of thing that harm the environments. This problem is not a priority in the world, the people is not familiarized whit this themes, because in demography, the human in this times it’s in the habit of live in cities and places whitout a real relation whit the nature or the territory. The nature it’s very powerful and the human get away more and more of the ancestral knowledge, for the changes of the perspective to see the reality or the way to live it. The geography can help to understand this new relationship, and I will try, in my future job, to contribute whit my modest knowledge.