jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Pan de azúcar's beach.

I know this beach in February of 2012 with my friends Ignacio, Francisco and Juan Pablo. The beach it was a 30 km approximately of distance of Chañaral, into the Nacional Park “Pan de Azúcar”. I remember when we arrive Chañaral, at 1:00 am and we walk all the night whit a heavy´s backpack  and a food for three days. In the road we find a lot of animals, especially Rats and bats. We arrive safely at 9:00 a.m, when we find a cheap camping. After this, we sleep a lot for fix energy. I dicern the place when i wake up at the morning: A espectacular beach, whit a white and fine sand, a turquoise sea whit a island very near to the coast… I love it!. We have a very relaxing days in this beach and meet interesting people, like a workers of the Discovery Channel.

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