jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


Today im talking about my dog “Perri”. He arrived to my house in the christmas of 2010, when he was 4 month of life approximate. This is a very important moment in my family, because the last dog was die 1 month before. Perri its very particular, he has learned a lot of tricks, like order food or play whit the disc and the ball. My sister and me played every day whit the dog, it was so funny. My parent play too whit he, they dress up the dog and take a picture everytime. Perri have a lots of styles in her life, like criminal, baby, cholito, detective, rastafari, blondie model and others. He meet a importants celebrities like Albert Einstein.
He was the best dog in the world, i love him so much. Muack.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

My favourite game.

Hi my friend, today im write about my favourite game. When i was a child i like too much play "Gran Turismo". This is a game for Play Station. My uncle gift it to me for christmas when i was 8 years old. He show me how to play it the same day. I loved the game because i feel like a real driver. I remeber when i played the game all the day, whit 24 hour's races!! I like too the music intro, from the Cardigans called "My Favourite Game", and others song from Cranberries and Judas Priest. I played whit other people when i was invitng friend from my classmates to my house. I dont remember when was the last time that i played the game, but i remember when i buy the most expensive car, the "Suzuki Escudo", i feel so happy!!

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Pan de azúcar's beach.

I know this beach in February of 2012 with my friends Ignacio, Francisco and Juan Pablo. The beach it was a 30 km approximately of distance of Chañaral, into the Nacional Park “Pan de Azúcar”. I remember when we arrive Chañaral, at 1:00 am and we walk all the night whit a heavy´s backpack  and a food for three days. In the road we find a lot of animals, especially Rats and bats. We arrive safely at 9:00 a.m, when we find a cheap camping. After this, we sleep a lot for fix energy. I dicern the place when i wake up at the morning: A espectacular beach, whit a white and fine sand, a turquoise sea whit a island very near to the coast… I love it!. We have a very relaxing days in this beach and meet interesting people, like a workers of the Discovery Channel.